Employment in the Wairarapa

Not a traffic light or high-rise in sight, unless you count the alpine Tararua Range. Before and after work, all your services and playgrounds are on your doorstep. 

Small towns can bring out the best in people. Generally you'll find employers are approachable, grounded and community focussed making it easy to work and do business and still balance the rest of life.

You'll find most things are lower in the Wairarapa! House prices, your blood pressure, the general cost of living and potentially your salary. But the return - a quality of life for you and your family.

The latest Infometrics data will give you information on the most prominent employment sectors in the Wairarapa economy.

Check out Go with Tourism - a free support service with a range of resources to assist the New Zealand hospitality and tourism workforce.

Employment & HR Professional Services: 

Job Vacancies: