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Carter Scenic Reserve

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Carter Scenic Reserve
Carter Scenic Reserve, also known as Uhi Mānuka, is one of the few remaining remnants of patchwork landscape once typical of the Wairarapa.
Follow the boardwalk through a recovering wetland and forest remnant at Carters Reserve just outside on Carterton, taking only 30 minutes. The loop track takes you on boardwalks through the remnants of a flooded kahikatea forest, and back through a drier forest section, for about half an hour.
It's one of the few remaining landscapes that once covered much of the Wairarapa before the land was cleared, including grass, wetland, scrubland and forest. It is also home to rare native plants and fish, including swamp maire, small leafed hoheria, brown mudfish and banded kokopu.
From Carterton, follow Park Road to the end, turn left into Carters Line and right into Gladstone Road. The reserve is signposted approximately 3 km along Gladstone Road.
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